Science Partner

A Beautiful Beam

Science Partner

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A Beautiful Beam

Written by Tyler Despres

Capo on 3rd fret
Intro: G  D9  Am  C 

G                                             D9                          Am 
Out of time from a planet where you had the opportunity to use the air to breathe 
It seems 
     G                                        D9 
That one or two, maybe zillions of the tiny molecules 
In the moment that you've seen 
Were a dream 

    Em                                          C 
You coulda rode you, yeah you should a rode the waves 
    Em                                         C 
You coulda walked yeah, you shoulda walked the beaches 
                  G     D9                   Em 
But now you're an angel floantin' downstream - 
    D9         G           D9        C 
Now you're the cosmos in a beautiful beam 

G                                       D9                            Am 
Waking up in this silence space that is both imagined and partially believed 
     C             G 
You agree that perspective is not only learned and gained from all 
D9                                  Am 
Cemeteries in the universe, as you see 
It's free 

    Em                                          C 
You coulda rode you, yeah you should a rode the waves 
    Em                                         C 
You coulda walked yeah, you shoulda walked the beaches 
                  G     D9                   Em 
But now you're an angel floantin' downstream - 
   D9             G           D9        C 
Oh now you're the cosmos in a beautiful beam oh 

         Em                                     C 
Yeah you should a rode,'cos you coulda rode the waves 
         Em                                         C 
Yeah you should a walked,'cos you coulda walked the beaches 
              G     D9                   Em 
Now you're an angel floantin' downstream - 
       D9         G           D9          C  ( G  D9  Am  C ) 
Oh now you're the cosmos in a beautiful beam 

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