Signal Hill

Sonny's Dream

Signal Hill

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Sonny's Dream

Written by Ron Hynes

C Sonny don?t go away, I am here all alone C F C And your daddy?s a sailor, who never comes home, G And the nights get so long, and the silence goes on, F C G And I?m feeling so tired?I?m not all that strong.
C Sonny lives on a farm, in the wide open space, C F C And you can take off your sneakers and give up the race. G And you can lay yourself down by a sweet river bed F C G But Sonny always remembers what it was his mama said, and she said Chorus C Sonny caries a load; he is barely a man. C F C There ain?t nothin? to do, still he does what he can. G And he watches the sea from a room by the stairs. F C G The waves keep on rolling?they?ve done that for years. Chorus C It?s a hundred miles to town. Sonny?s never been there, C F C Yet he walks to the highway and stands there and stares, G And the mail comes at four and the mail man is old F C G But he still dreams his dreams of silver and gold. Chorus - - - C Sonny?s dreams can?t be real, they're just stories he's read. F C They?re just stars in his eyes, just dreams in his head. G He is hungry inside for the wild world outside, F C G And I know I can?t hold on, I?ve tried, and I?ve tried, and I?ve tried. Chorus

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