Skinny Lister

Six Whiskies

Skinny Lister

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Six Whiskies

Written by Daniel Hepinstall/Skinny Lister

Intro: G G C D   (x4) 


 G                C     D 
It?s throwing out time 
 G                C     D 
The sun hits my eyes 
 G            C    D 
The sweet inspiration 
 G              C  D 
Of Farringdon station 

 G              C    D 
I?ve nowhere to be 
 G              C    D  
I?m aimlessly free 
 G           C    D 
Kicking the cans in 
 G         C   D 
Paddington basin 

C G Six whiskies in me C G I stumble through this pretty city D C G I sing it until they arrest me Am D And I declare my undying love for you
G G C D (x2) Verse G C D West end my friend G C D Dance with me again G C D The drunks and their antics G C D The hopeless romantics G C D And there on the wind G C D A familiar ring G C D Half pence and farthings G C D Say the bells of St. Martins
C G Six whiskies in me C G I stumble through this pretty city D C G I sing it until they arrest me Am D And I declare my undying love for you
G C D Dada Dada Daa G C D Dada Dada Daa G C D Dada Dada Daa G C D Dada Dada Daa Verse G C D Through all that we?ve shared G C D The stormy and fare G C D Our ages are showing G C D But the river keeps flowing G C D Still I?ve nowhere to be G C D I?m aimlessly free G C D Like all of those dole days G C D Down old Deptford Broadway
C G Six whiskies in me C G I stumble through this pretty city D C G I sing it until they arrest me Am D And I declare my undying love for you G C D Dada Dada Daa G C D Dada Dada Daa G C D Dada Dada Daa G C D Dada Dada Daa

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