Skinny Lister

The Dreich

Skinny Lister

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by  MARTINO2501

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The Dreich

	  		Am	      C	           G		Am  F C		G 
These are the words that I stole from a bird, over and above 
Am	      C	           G	       Am  F G   C 
These are the cards I play close to my heart, my love 
Am		C             G         Am F  C             G 
All through the dreich it was you I did seek, lowlands and above 
Am		  C	      G		      Am   F G   C 
Strange were your ways with a strange turn of phrase, my love 
F C   G   Am	  C         G 
Oh my darling, my fortunate find 
F   C       G	       Am        F    G  C 
You do your best to be true, and I'll do mine 

Am	      C	             G		Am   F C	 G 
These are the notes that the canny wind wrote, over and above 
Am	     C	        G	  Am F G   C 
Roll off the sea with a blue melody,	my love 
F C   G   Am	  C         G 
Oh my darling, my fortunate find 
F   C       G	       Am        F    G  C 
You do your best to be true, and I'll do mine 
Am		C             G         Am F  C             G 
All through the dreich it was you I did seek, lowlands and above 
Am		  C	      G		      Am   F G   C 
Strange were your ways with a strange turn of phrase, my love 
F C   G   Am	  C         G 
Oh my darling, my fortunate find 
F   C       G	       Am        F    G  C 
You do your best to be true, and I'll do mine 
F   C       G	       Am        F    G  C 
You do your best to be true, and I'll do mine 

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