Skinny Lister

What Can I Say

Skinny Lister

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What Can I Say

Written by Daniel Hepinstall/Skinny Lister

G    C      G    C 

 C         Am                  C 
What can I say to make it all ok? 
            Am                       C 
What can I sing to bring back yesterday 
             F                     Am 
What can I shout about when edges fray 
What can I say?  
 G          C 
What can I say? 

             Am                         C 
A summer of gold unfolds through my window 
            Am                       C 
Evening at last to cast the long shadow 
                 F                         Am 
I won’t raise a song and dance when edges fray 
What can I say?  
 G          C 
What can I say? 

F C And the corn grew tall since you’ve been away F Am And I miss you still in every way F G F As the days grow short the summer does fade C And I miss you still G C G C What can I say
Verse: Am C A seasonal change it came one dark Wednesday Am C A palette of blue and green turned red and grey F Am What can I shout about when edges fray C What can I say? G C What can I say?
F C And the corns all gone since harvest day F Am And I miss you still in every way F G F As the nights draw in the memories fade C And I miss you still. G C What can I say? F C I miss you still. G C What can I say?
BREAK: Am A summer spent without you C Is a summer put to waste Am C Another summer I can’t face F Am Won’t you come on hoooooome? C G Come on home F Am C G C What do you say? Verse: Am C The leaves they went brown and down they all did fall Am C The naked old tree and me we’ve seen it all F Am There’s nothing to shout about when edges fray C What can I say? G C What can I say?
F C And the corn grew tall since you’ve been away F Am And I miss you still in every way F G F As the days grow short the summer does fade C And I miss you still. G C What can I say? F C And the corn grew tall since you’ve been away F Am And I miss you still in every way F G F As the days grow short the summer does fade C And I miss you still. G C What can I say? F C I miss you still. G C What can I say?

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