
Its A Pity


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Its A Pity

Written by Josh Finlayson/Andy Maize

Capo on 4th fret

Intro: C 

verse 1 
                F               C 
It's a pity the things you say about me 
                     F             C 
It's a pity what you say about yourself 
       G         F                  C 
It's a pity that we can't talk this over 
       G         F                  C 
It's a pity that we can't work this out 
                F                  C 
It's a pity the way that men treat women 
                F                 C 
It's a pity the way men treat themselves 
       G        F                      C 
It's a pity the walls we build between us 
       G       F                 C 
It's a pity we build them higher still 
                F                  C 
It's a pity the way you treat your husband 
                F                  C 
It's a pity the way you treat your wife 
       G        F                C 
It's a pity the way we treat our children 
       G       F              C 
It's a pity to waste a single life 

Instrumental: C  F  C    F  C    G  F  C    G  F  C 

verse 2 
               F         C 
Once we thought we were 
     F            C 
Once when we were young 
   G        F                   C 
Maybe we've wasted all the good years 
      G      F                 C 
Or maybe the best are yet to come 
           F                 C 
Now I have nothing left to offer 
         F               C 
And so I offer you this song 
       G      F              C 
And maybe the chance for a reunion 
       G    F              C 
And maybe a chance to get along 
       G    F                C 
And maybe a chance to live together 
       G    F              C 
And maybe a chance to get along 

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