Sleeping At Last


Sleeping At Last

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Key:  F# More
Joy Key C#C#
Joy Key DD
Joy Key D#D#
Joy Key EE(one step down)
Joy Key FF(half step down)
Joy Key F#F#(original key)
Joy Key GG(half step up)
Joy Key G#G#(one step up)
Joy Key AA
Joy Key A#A#
Joy Key BB
Joy Key CC
Capo on 1st fret

Intro: F C F C 

Verse 1:

F C It is the calm water C Dm F C In the middle of an anxious sea F C G C Where heavy clouds part and the sunrise starts C Dm F A fire in the deepest part of me Am G F C So I let go and in this moment I can breathe
C The clumsy start of adolescence C Dm The glue that mends our broken remnants C Dm An overwhelming sense of reverence Am C It's a glimpse of light in a mine of gold C Dm A sliver lining spilling over C Dm The rumour of buried treasure C Dm The starting line of an adventure Am G C It's a glimpse of light in a mine of gold


F G It's an afterglow, it's an echo C Dm F Still ringing out in spite of me F G It's the faint outline of the divine C Dm F In the hiding place of my periphery Am G F So I let go and in this moment, I can breathe C I can breathe
Instrumental: C
C Dm The setting sun through open windows C Dm The honouring of every shadow C Dm A gratitude for all that follows Am G C It's a glimpse of light in a mine of gold C Dm The countless stars we're sleeping under C Dm It's the brightest sparks that we remember C Dm When our eyes are closed, we still see embers Am G C A glimpse of light in a mine of gold
Outro Am G C It's a glimpse of light in mine of gold

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