Sleeping At Last


Sleeping At Last

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Written by Ryan O'neal

Key:  C More
Three Key GG
Three Key G#G#
Three Key AA
Three Key A#A#(one step down)
Three Key BB(half step down)
Three Key CC(original key)
Three Key C#C#(half step up)
Three Key DD(one step up)
Three Key D#D#
Three Key EE
Three Key FF
Three Key F#F#
	  		Intro F  C   F  C   
        G  Am  G  F  
        Dm  C  G 
Primeira Parte 

           F        C 
Maybe I've done enough 
                F          C 
And your golden child grew up 
                           G    Am 
Maybe this trophy isn't real love 
    G       F              Dm   C  G 
And with or without it I'm good enough 
             F      C 
Maybe I've done enough 
         F        C 
Finally catching up 
                            G     Am    G     F 
For the first time I see an image of my brokenness 
        Dm     Am  G 
Utterly worthy of love 

           F    C 
Maybe I've done enough 
( F  C  G ) 
( Am  G  F ) 
( Dm  Am  G ) 
Segunda Parte 

              C   F 
And I finally see myself 
                    C      G 
Through the eyes of no one else 
            Am             G      Am 
It's so exhausting on this silver screen 
      G          F          Dm  C   G 
Where I play the role of anyone but me 
              C   F 
And I finally see myself 
               C    G 
Unabridged and overwhelmed 
   Am                    G       Am 
A mess of a story I'm ashamed to tell 
        G       F              Dm     C    G 
But I'm slowly learning how to break this spell 

              F   C 
And I finally see myself 
( F  C  G ) 
( Am  G  F ) 
( Dm  C  G ) 
Terceira Parte 

           F           C 
Now I only want what's real 
                     F       C 
To let my heart feel what it feels 
                                G     Am 
Gold, silver, or bronze hold no value here 
      G        F        Dm      C  G 
Where work and rest are equally revered 
       F           C 
I only want what's real 
                F         C 
I set aside the highlight reel 
                               G   Am             G   F 
And leave my greatest failures on display with an asterisk 
          Dm   C  G 
Worthy of love anyway 
( Dm  C  G ) 

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Half key step downHalf key step down
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