Slim Dusty

The Pub That Doesnt Sell Beer

Slim Dusty

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The Pub That Doesnt Sell Beer


F  G  C  A D  G  C 

Verse 1:

C F C The newspapers say random testing is here F C D7 G7 Now all Sydney drivers have dropped down a gear F C Am They've given up drinking, I think it's quite clear C G7 C to go to a pub that doesn't sell beer.
F C Pass the ice water, you'll hear the call G C put down your stubbies, your spirits and all F C Am The old random test hasn't bluffed, never fear C G C they only drink water, they've gone off the beer

Verse 2:

C F C The drunk is a fool, to drive in his car F D G Chances are mounting he won’t get too far F C Am They'll pull him on over ready or not C G C And give him a breath test there on the spot

Verse 3:

C F C The lawman says driver you're too drunk to drive F D G lock up your car, you're over a point o five F C Am The judge says guilty it’s so plain to see C G C you should only drink water and be sober like me. hey
F C Pass the ice water, you'll hear the call G C put down your stubbies, your spirits and all F C Am All over the state its the same thing you'll hear C G C they only drink water, they've gone off the beer
Interlude F C G C F C D

Verse 4:

D A D Some ride their pushbikes some ride the trains G D E A7 and Old Shank's pony is in bogue again G D Bm They'll feeling so healthy but one thing they fear D A D a new kind of virus through lack of beer.
G D Pass the ice water, you'll hear the call A D put down your stubbies, your spirits and all G D Bm Just think of the money you'll save every year D A D When you only drink water and you've gone off the beer

Verse 5:

D G D Now the publicans says, it’s a bit of a joke G D E A now they only drink water and I thought I’d go broke G D Bm The barmaid's all cranky but the boys give a cheer D A D when the bloke down from Queensland orders a beer. Hey
G D Pass the ice water, you'll hear the call A D put down your stubbies, your spirits and all G D Bm Oh, The old random test hasn't bluffed, never fear D A D they only drink water, they've gone off the beer.
Tag G D Bm Yeah, pass the ice water, that's all you'll hear D A G D A7 D When you go to the pub that doesn't sell beer

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