Sonny And Cher

It Never Rains In Southern California

Sonny And Cher

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It Never Rains In Southern California

	  		Em, A, D. The whole song 

I got on board of a Westbound 747 
Didn't think before decided what to do 
All of them talk about those TV breaks and the movies 
They ain't true, Lord it sure ain't true 

Seems it never rains in Southern California Seems I've all been hurt that kind of tough before It never rains in California But girl don't be warn ya It pours, man it pours
Out of work I'm out of my head Out of self respect I'm out of bread I'm on the love Then I'm on the fade I wanna go home It never rains in California But girl don't be warn ya It pours, man it pours Well you tell the folks back home I nearly made it I had all thoughts Didn't know which one to take Please don't tell them how you found me Oh don't tell how you found me Gimme a break Oh gimme a break Chorus x2 It pours, man it pours

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