Soul Asylum

I did my best

Soul Asylum



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I did my best

	  		Verse 1 
G                Bm          C               G 
Holed up in the dressing room without a dress 
                 D                C                 D 
Kneeling at the confessional with nothing to confess 
      C                                    G            
And I knew all about my surprise party I was spoiled and 
      G                     Bm                     C           G    
And i acted surprised and i told lots of lies, yes i did my best 
Verse 2 
G                    Bm                C                       
Stop the truck at the truck stop I need somthing to help me  
                       D                     C                 D 
Food stamps checks and credit cards but they only accepted cash 
          C                              G                 
There was sweat beading on my brow my heart was beating out of  
my chest 
     G                              Bm            C            G 
So i stole everything they couldn't give away yes i did my best 
G         D               
And I did the best that I could do 
With all the mess that i've been through 
 D                         C    -    Bm                       G 
What did you expect me to do?              I did my best for you 
G Bm C G C G Em G Bm C G 
Verse 3 
G                           Bm     C                 G  
I was waiting for a chain reaction with the missing link 
                 D               C                   D 
Waiting for that trickle down forever circling the sink 
      C                      G                 Em 
I was tired of being tired I could not get no rest 
     G                     Bm                     C         G 
So i kept sleepwalking and talking in my sleep yes i did my best 
G         D               
I did the best that i could do 
With all the mess that i've been through 
 D                         C    -    Bm                       G 
What did you expect me to do?              I did my best for you 
Wicked song, can't believe it hasent 
already been tabbed......cheers folks 
-carly malone 


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