Soul Asylum

Never Really Been

Soul Asylum

chords Intermediate intermediate


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Never Really Been

Written by Dave Pirner



D             C          G                 D 
sirens are a-screaming, shots ring out at night 
D       C#      B     G  A Asus4 Asus2 A 
movie cameras rolling in 
D                 C              G                D 
and there goes my hero with his head between his legs 
D        C#  B       G           A Asus4 Asus2 A 
and all this time i believed in him 


D                C        G            D 
now what is the sound of snow falling down 
       D                C#   B  G  A Asus4 Asus2 A         
on the tombstone in the dead of night 
D              C             G           D 
and who is the hound at the downtown dog pound  
D           C#      B        G                 A Asus4 Asus2 A 
who speaks english when the watchman's not in sight 

G                        A 
and where will you be in 1993? 
D      C#     B   G        A Asus4 Asus2 A 
still sitting in the same chair? 
D               C              G        D 
sinning is for sinners and i"m just a beginner 
         D      C#     B    G       A Asus4 Asus2 A 
but i've never really been punched there 


hey ain't it strange how some things never change 
ain't it strange how nothing stays the same 
you were thinking i was distressed about some universal press 
but i was just depressed about my last pinball game 


i've learned to accept and not to expect 
the respect and neglect that i get 
i try not to forget about what hasn't happened yet 
and on this i place my last bet 

hey did you give what you get 
         A                        D     C#       B    G   A Asus4 Asus2 A 
did you get what you give of your fair share of wear and tear 
D               C             G                   D 
winning is for winners and i know spring follows winter 
         D      C#     B     G      A Asus4 Asus2 A     D                 
but i've never really been touched there 

              G                     A 
you know it's hard to be nice when hate becomes your vice 
         D     C#   B     G     A Asus4 Asus2 A 
and you can't find peace anywhere 
D                    C          G                    D 
love's just not for lovers get off your high horse brothers 
           D     C#  B   G      A Asus4 Asus2 A 
drop your fists and get out of here 




all the open chords have hammer-ons in them, most on the second note (i think). 


| h   hammer-on 


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