Soul Asylum

No Time for Waiting

Soul Asylum


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No Time for Waiting

Written by Dave Pirner

Intro: C - F x2 
Verse 1: 
      C		    F 
It's enough to make you stay, 
      C                 F 
It's enough to make you go away, 
                   F             G 
But you don't understand how I'm feeling, 
               F         G 
You don't understand no, no, 
Verse 2: 
      C             F             
It's enough to make you sick, 
      C                 F 
It's enough to make you wanna quit, 
                   F             G 
But you don't understand how I'm feeling, 
               F        G 
You don't understand my life, 
Pre-Chorus: Am - G - F 
                        Am       G          
It's sad when you can't cry, 
F                    Am         D 
It all comes down to time keeps flying by, 
Am         D 
Time keeps telling me, 
F               C   G        Am  
There's no time for waiting, 
        F               C      G    Am              
For the river to wash into the sea, 
           F          C    G            
And when I reach some understanding, 
Am               F 
I'm gonna let it wash all over, 
Wash all over me, 
Verse 3: 
It's too much to make you say, 
That you always wanted to be this way, 
But you don't understand this feeling, 
So why do I even try, 
It's sad when you can't try, 
It all comes down to time keeps killing time, 
Time keeps healing, 
I've no time for waiting, 
For the river to wash into the sea, 
And when I reach some understanding, 
I'm gonna let it wash all over, 
Wash all over me, 
Verse 4: 
But I know one day you'll see, 
The person I wanted to be, 
And there's no time for waiting, 
There's no time for waiting, 
Close: F - G 
Can't find the time, 
Can't find the time, 
There's no time, 
There's no time, 
There's no time, 
Can't find the time 
Contribuição: Marco Santos([email protected]) 


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