Spice Girls

The Lady Is A Vamp

Spice Girls

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The Lady Is A Vamp

Year: 1997 - Album: Spiceworld

Written by Spice Girls/Kim Wilson


Intro: Bb Bb F Bb x2 

verse 1: 

Bb    F     Bb 
Elvis was a coola 
F      Bb 
shaker Marley 
F     Bb     Bb7 
Ziggy Melody Maker 

Eb      C/E 
She's a bond babe 
F         F# Bb 
kick some ass 
Eb     C/E 
Doctor No this 
F          Bb7 
girl's got class 

Mel C and Emma: 
Bb        F 
Charlie's Angels 
Bb       F 
Girls on top 
Bb       F 
Handbags heels 
      Bb      Bb7 
their pistols rock 

Mel B: 
Eb   C/E 
Baby Love are 
F       F#   Bb 
so glam queen 
Eb       C/E 
Sing the blues 
  F      Bb7 
I love Supremes 

Emma and Geri: 
Bb      F 
Sixties Twiggy 
Bb      F 
set the pace 
Bb       F 
Way back then 
    Bb      Bb7 
she had the face 

All Girls: 
Eb That's all in the C/E F past legends built Bb Bb7 Eb to last But she's C/E F Bb got something new Bb7 Eb C/E She's a power girl F Bb in the 90's world Bb7 Eb And she knows C/E F just what to do
All Girls:
G# Cos the lady is a vamp she's a vixen not a tramp She's Eb a dadadadada da da F Come on fellow raise your bets cos you ain't seen nothing yet She's the Bb G# top of the top Bb she's the best
verse 2: Geri: Bb F Bb Jackie O we loved F Bb her so Sorry Mr. F President as Bb Bb7 far as we know Mel C, Emma and Victoria Eb C/E Norma Jean had F F# Bb a 7 year itch Eb C/E Some like it hot F Bb7 to a fever pitch Emma and Mel C: Bb F Sandy Denny Bb F summer love Bb And Grady's F t birds to Bb Bb7 the moon above Refrain 1: All Girls: Eb That's all in the C/E F past legends built Bb Bb7 Eb to last But she's C/E F Bb got something new Bb7 Eb C/E She's a power girl F Bb in the 90's world Eb she's the downtown C/E F swinging June (Repeat Chorus) Outro: Mel B: Eb Scary Emma: C/E Baby Geri: F Ginger Victoria: F# Bb7 Posh Mel C: Eb Sporty Mel C and Geri: C/E F yes now that's Bb Bb7 your lot All Girls: Eb C/E We're the spice F F# girls ready to go Cm Dm Ladies and gents Eb you please take C/E your seats And we F hope that you Bb G# Gm F# F (hold) enjoyed the show Bb7 Bb Bb (hold) Thank you very much

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