Spice Girls

Viva Forever (Acoustic)

Spice Girls

chords Intermediate intermediate


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Viva Forever (Acoustic)

	  		Hey one of my fave song by the Legendary SpiceGirls....fantastic lol enjoy: 
Am                                Em 
Do you still remember how we used to be  
 F                                       C 
Feeling together believe in whatever my love has said to me 
Am                                      Em 
Both of us were dreamers, Young love in the sun 
F                                                 C 
Felt like my savior, my spirit I gave you,  we'd only just begun 
Am Em F C Hasta maņana, Always be mine Am Em F C Viva forever, I'll be waiting, everlasting like the sun Live forever, For the moment, ever searching for the one.
Am Em Yes I still remember every whispered word F The touch of your skin, giving life from within C Like a love song never heard Am Em Slipping through our fingers like the sands of time F C Promises made every memory saved as reflections in my mind.. Chorus: Hasta maņana... Am Em Back were I belong now, was it just a dream F C Feelings unfold, they will never be sold and the secrets safe with me Chorus: repeat to fade...

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