Steve Green

In The Morning

Steve Green

chords Intermediate intermediate


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In The Morning

Written by Steve Green

	  		Intro:  E  D6  A/C#  Cm13 
        E  D6  A/C#  Cm13 

E      D6      A/C#          Cm13 
In the morning deep calls to deep 
E      D6           A/C#      Cm13 
In the morning, you quietly speak 
A      E6/C#         A              F#m 
In the morning, you find those who seek 
E      D5  E 
In the morning 

E      D6      A/C#          Cm13 
In the morning, I bring my request 
E      D6       A/C#            Cm13 
In the morning, each care is confessed 
A      E6/C#        A       F#m 
In the morning, you quiet unrest 
E      D5  E 
In the morning 

A4     C#m 
A#º    Bm 
A      E    E4    E 

E      D6      A/C#          Cm13 
In the morning, I listen and wait 
E      D6       A/C#         Cm13 
In the morning, faith anticipates 
A      E6/C#         A            F#m 
In the morning, you make my way straight 
E      D5  E 
In the morning 

A4     C#m 
A#º    Bm 
A      E 
E       A 

Interlúdio:  A  A4(9)  Am  D5 
             A  A4(9)  Am  D5 

E      D6      A/C#          Cm13 
In the morning deep calls to deep 
E      D6           A/C#      Cm13 
In the morning, you quietly speak 
A      E6/C#         A              F#m 
In the morning, you find those who seek 
E      D5  E 
In the morning 
E      D5  E 
In the morning 

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