Steven Universo

Both Of You

Steven Universo

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Both Of You

Written by Rebecca Sugar


Verse 1:

Bm A Em Why don't you talk to each other? Bm A Why don't you talk to each other? Em Just give it a try Bm A Em Why don't you talk about what happened? Bm A Em I know you're trying to avoid it but I don't know why
A Em You might not believe it A D A G7M D7M You might not believe it but you got a lot in common, you really do Bm A A# Gm D7M You both love me and I love both of you

Verse 2:

Bm A Look, if I were you I'd hate me too Em I don't hate you Bm A Em But I knew how you felt about Rose and I stayed anyway Bm That wasn't the problem A Em Then what was? Bm She fell in love with you A Em Well, you know Rose She always did what she wanted
A Em I know you both need it A D A I know you both need it G7M D7M Someone who knows what you're going through A Em You might not believe it A D A G7M You might not believe it but you got a lot in common D7M You really do Bm A A# Gm D7M You both love me and I love both of you
Final Bm A A# Gm D7M You both love me and I love both of you

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