
Casual Conversation


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Casual Conversation

Written by Rick Davies/Roger Hodgson

	  		G                        Bm7 
It doesn't matter what I say 
F#                   Am 
You never listen anyway 
Cm6         G         D6 
Just don't know what you're looking for 
G                    Bm 
Imagination's all I have 
F#                         Am 
But ever then you say it's bad 
Cm6         G       D6 
Just can't see why we disagree 

C       Cm6                     G      D6 
Casual conversations how they bore me 
C       Cm6              G     D6 
And they go on and on endlessly 
C               Cm6 
No matter what I say 
        Em         E7 
You ignore me anyway 
Am7                        D      D5+ 
I might as well talk in my sleep (I could weep) 
G                        Bm7 
You try to make me feel so small 
F#                   Am 
Until there's nothing left at all 
Cm6         G         D6 
Why go on? Just hoping that we'll get along 

G Bm7 F# Am Cm6 G D6 

C       Cm6                     G      D6 
There's no communication left between us 
C       Cm6              G     D6 
But is it me or you who's to blame? 
C               Cm6                   Em           E7
There's nothing I can do, yes you're fading out of view 
Am7                        D      D5+ 
Don't know if I feel joy or pain (such a shame)
G                     Bm7 
And now it's all been said 
F#                          Am 
If you must leave then go ahead 
Cm7          G 
Should feel sad 
       D6                      G 
But I really believe that I'm glad 
   D6                      G 
I really believe that I'm glad 
   D6                      G 
I really believe that I'm glad 


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