Teenage Fanclub

Mellow Doubt

Teenage Fanclub



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Mellow Doubt

Key:  Em More
Dm(one step down)
D#m(half step down)
Em(original key)
Fm(half step up)
F#m(one step up)
	  		Em G        D  {riff}   Em   G        D   {riff} 
It gives me pain,       when I think of you 
Em  G          D  {riff}    G                C   {riff} 
And the things together     that we'll never do 
Em G          D  {riff}   Em  G         D   {riff} 
At first it's code,       and then it's hot, 
Em  G         D  {riff}  G            C 
Tried to be someone that I know I'm not. 
    C               G 
I'm in trouble, and I know it 
Em               G 
How I'm feeling, I can't show it 
C                   G        F     D 
But these feelings, don't go away 
Em G       D  {riff}  Em   G          D  {riff} 
I remember you,       lines on your face. 
Em  G      D  {riff}   G           C  {riff} 
Sharing a moment in    the perfect place. 
Em  G             D  {riff}  Em  G           D   {riff} 
I'm deep in your eyes,       and inside your head. 
Em  G        D  {riff}  G              C 
And I try to reach you, when I'm in my bed. 
    C               G 
I'm in trouble, and I know it 
Em               G 
How I'm feeling, I can't show it 
C                   G        F     D 
But these feelings, don't go away 
Em  G       D   {riff}   Em   G           D  {riff} 
There is no choice,      in what I must do. 
Em   G     D  {riff}    G          C 
Nothing is greater than to be with you. 
    C               G 
I'm in trouble, and I know it 
Em               G 
How I'm feeling, I can't show it 
C                   G        F     D 
But these feelings, don't go away 


Key:  Em More
Dm(one step down)
D#m(half step down)
Em(original key)
Fm(half step up)
F#m(one step up)
Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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