The Beatles

You've Got To Hide Your Love Away

The Beatles



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You've Got To Hide Your Love Away

Written by John Lennon, Paul Mccartney

	  		G          D                 F9          G      C                                 F9  C 
Here I stand with head in hand turn my face to the wall. 
G           D          F9           G   C                           F9 C   D 
If she's gone I can't go on feeling two foot small. 
G          D       F9          G      C                        F9   C 
Everywhere people stare each and every day 
G       D              F9           G   C                           F9 C D D/C D/B D/A 
I can see them laugh at me, and I hear them say 
  G                               C                         Dsus4   D Dsus2 D 
‘Hey,  you've got to hide your love away 
 G                              C                         Dsus4   D Dsus2  D 
Hey,  you've got to hide your love away’ 
 G            D F9     G   C                   F9   C 
How can I even try I can never win. 
 G           D           F9       G      C                        F9   C   D 
Hearing them,  seeing them in the state I'm in. 
 G                 D    F9       G     C                            F9   C 
How could she say to me "Love will find a way" ? 
 G          D          F9          G          C                          F9 C D D/C D/B D/A 
Gather 'round, all you clowns, let me hear you say 
 G                                C                         Dsus4   D Dsus2  D 
‘Hey,  you've got to hide your love away 
 G                               C                        Dsus4   D Dsus2  D 
Hey,  you've got to hide your love away’ 
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G D F9 G C / F9 C G D F9 G C / F9 C G e|--------------------------------------------------------------------------- B|--------------------------------------------------------------------------- G|---------9----------------7\5-5-------------9-----------------7\5-5--5-5-7- D|-5---7-------9\5-5--9\5-5-------9-7-5---7-------9\5-5--9\5-5--------------- A|--------------------------------------------------------------------------- E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------

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