The Corrs

Looking Through Your Eyes

The Corrs

chords Intermediate intermediate


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Looking Through Your Eyes

Written by David Foster/Carole Bayer Sager


A                        C#m 
Look at the sky, tell me what do you see 

Dmaj7                       D 
Just close your eyes and describe it to me 

    E                          C#m         F#m 
The heavens are sparkling with starlight tonight 

G                              Esus4   E  
That's what I see through your eyes 

A                      C#m 
I see the heavens each time that you smile 

Dmaj7                       D 
I hear your heartbeat just go on for miles 

    E                   C#m          F#m 
And suddenly I know why life is worthwhile 

G                              Esus4   E  
That's what I see through your eyes 

G                              Esus4   E  
That's what I see through your eyes 

D A Here in the night I see the sun D A Here in the dark our two hearts are one D A C#7 F#m It's out of our hands we can't stop what we have begun Bm E And love just took me by surprise A Looking through your eyes
D A I see a night I wish would last forever D A I see a world we're meant to see together D A And it is so much more than I remember D F Esus4 E More than I remember, more than I have known Chorus D A Looking through your eyes

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