The Courteeners

Van Der Graff

The Courteeners

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Van Der Graff

Written by Liam Fray

Intro: C Am Em G (2x)

Live a little bit 

Have a little laugh  

Roll up your sleeves and 

Stick 'em on a Van Der Graff 
Fm Em 
and watch it float away 
Gm Cm Am 
She said never do this never do that watch where you swing that rounders bat 
What do you know 
I could have been MLB 

C                          Am                  Em      G 
Heart like a stone messages on my phone aftermath 
          C                    Am                           Em   G 
I don't need you in my life but I want you tonight Van Der Graf 

C Am Em G 

Complicated and pointless thinking of better eleswheres 
low on energy but never sleeping 
someone call the cavalry sniper peeping 
solitude in a place on earth and I've got a season ticket 
we're splitting off like the A57 cutting my own through the thicket 

C                          Am                  Em      G 
Heart like a stone messages on my phone aftermath 
          C                    Am                           Em   G 
I dont need you in my life but I want you tonight Van Der Graf 

Cm Fm Gm (2x)

C Am Em G 

C                          Am                  Em      G 
Heart like a stone messages on my phone aftermath 
          C                    Am                           Em   G 
I dont need you in my life but I want you tonight Van Der Draf 

Outro: Cm  Fm  Cm A 

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