The Hollies

Look through any window

The Hollies

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Look through any window

Written by Graham Gouldman/Charles Silverman

Capo on 4th fret

Intro:  G - F     G - F 
   G                       F        C           F      G 
1.   Look through any window, yeah,     what do you see ? 
                  F         C             F                G 
    Smiling faces all around,    rushing through their busy towns. 
Where do they go ? Movin' on their way, 
        C     G                  C   G 
walkin' down the highways and the byways. 
Where do they go ? Movin' on their way, 
             C     G                 C    G 
people with their shy ways, and their sly ways. 
      D                          G       C     D  
Ah-ow, you can see the little children all around, 
       /                      G     Em         C           D 
Ah-ow,  you can see the little ladies in their gowns when you 
  G                     F         C         F        G 
2.   Look through any window, yeah,    any time of day. 
               F                   C          F                G 
    See the drivers on the roads,    puttin' down their heavy loads. 
+ CHORUS  ( change : "walking" = "driving",  "people = "drivers") 
    G - F   G - F   + verse 1 
             Am                  F -G-Am                      
+  Where do they go ? Movin' on their way,     
                F -G-Am                      F-G    G-F  G-F  - Am 
   moving on their way,        moving on their way.  


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