The Rescues

Shadows Of Tall Buildings

The Rescues

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Shadows Of Tall Buildings

Written by Gabriel Mann

Capo on 2nd fret

Em       G            Cadd9 
I never learnt my lesson 
Em         G            Cadd9 
I mumbled down the street 
Em        G            Cadd9 
I make a faint impression 
Em       G        Cadd9 
Cos I am incomplete 

I try to be there 
In the open 
D                     C 
I try to make you proud 

G D Em C And I will walk through shadows of tall buildings Em D G Until I slowly di--sappear Em G Cadd9 Make myself up for tourists Em G Cadd9 And join the living dead Em G Cadd9 There's no more room for purist Em G Cadd9 My blues will turn to red
D I try to be there C In the open D C I try to make you proud
G D Em C And I will walk through shadows of tall buildings Em D G Until I slowly di---sappear G Yeah, I (The colours on the side walk) D will walk (And it's a mood who won't talk) Em through shadows (Trying to uncover) C of tall buildings (The stillness of my lover) Em Until there’s nothing (And in a skyward reaches) D more (I know there's nothing more) Em G Cadd9 to fear
Em G Cadd9 I never learnt my lesson Em G Cadd9 (one strum) I mumbled down the street
G D Em C And I will walk through shadows of tall buildings Em D G Until I slowly di---sappear G Yeah, I (The colours on the side walk) D will walk (And it's a mood who won't talk) Em through shadows (Trying to uncover) C of tall buildings (The stillness of my lover) Em Until there’s nothing (And in a skyward reaches) D more (I know there's nothing more) Em G Cadd9 to fear

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