The Rumjacks

The Pot Kettle

The Rumjacks

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The Pot Kettle

Am C G Am C G Am (Picking pattern is 2-5-4-5 for Am and C, then switches to 1-5-4-5 for the G chord) 

verse 1 
One smoky day in a darkened scullery 
C                      G 
Down by the river in a factory town 
Where bad things happen & the walls are drippn' 
        C          G                 Am 
And the ghosts are flittin' frae the cold hard ground 
A pot & kettle on the hob were settled 
   C                       G 
A' hissin' their patter so bileous cruel 
An awfy matter o' clout & claterin' 
C        G         Am 
Battlin' wits in a hideous duel 

Am Lids a rattlin' belchin' steam C G Life ain't nothin but a fevered dream Am 'You're a lowly villain' 'You're a terrible liar' C G Am 'But we're both here cookin' on the same old fire' Am Guts a bubblin' belchin' steam C G Life ain't nothin but a fevered dream Am 'You're a chanty pot' 'And you're a shite for brains' C G Am 'But we're both here hangin' on the same old chains'
verse 2 Am "I've roasted a wealth of exotic things C G All torn to ribbons at the hands of kings Am Polished copper how I proudly shone C G Am Stealin the fire of the blazing sun" Am "Ye've boilt nae mair'n 'em old soup bones C G I've boilt the tea for them stately homes Am I were rattled like a drum each Hogmanay C G Am Then scrubbed tae the devil on the follwin' day"
Am Lids a rattlin' belchin' steam C G Life ain't nothin but a fevered dream Am 'You're a lowly villain' 'You're a terrible liar' C G Am 'But we're both here cookin' on the same old fire' Am Guts a bubblin' belchin' steam C G Life ain't nothin but a fevered dream Am 'You're a chanty pot' 'And you're a shite for brains' C G Am 'But we're both here hangin' on the same old chains'
Bridge x 2 Am C G Am
Am Lids a rattlin' belchin' steam C G Life ain't nothin but a fevered dream Am 'You're a lowly villain' 'You're a terrible liar' C G Am 'But we're both here cookin' on the same old fire' Am Guts a bubblin' belchin' steam C G Life ain't nothin but a fevered dream Am 'You're a chanty pot' 'And you're a shite for brains' C G Am 'But we're both here hangin' on the same old chains'
verse 3 Am "O kettle yer metal is a terrible hue C G Riddled wi' holes cannae hold yer brew Am Yer lids all crooked & yer sides bashed in C G Am It'll not be long afore ye see the bin" Am "Pot your not so bright as me C G A hags old cauldron is all you'd be Am You reek o' gruel & you're none too young C G Am Fit for to carry but the peels & dung"
Am Lids a rattlin' belchin' steam C G Life ain't nothin but a fevered dream Am 'You're a lowly villain' 'You're a terrible liar' C G Am 'But we're both here cookin' on the same old fire' Am Guts a bubblin' belchin' steam C G Life ain't nothin but a fevered dream Am 'You're an old piss bucket' 'You're a dented can' C G Am 'But we're neither as black as that roasting pan.'
Am Lids a rattlin' belchin' steam C G Life ain't nothin but a fevered dream Am 'You're a lowly villain' 'You're a terrible liar' C G Am 'But we're both here cookin' on the same old fire' Am Guts a bubblin' belchin' steam C G Life ain't nothin but a fevered dream Am 'You're a chanty pot' 'And you're a shite for brains' C G Am 'But we're both here hangin' on the same old chains'
Bridge Am C G Am (x2)
Am Lids a rattlin' belchin' steam C G Life ain't nothin but a fevered dream Am 'You're a lowly villain' 'You're a terrible liar' C G Am 'But we're both here cookin' on the same old fire' Am Guts a bubblin' belchin' steam C G Life ain't nothin but a fevered dream Am 'You're a chanty pot' 'And you're a shite for brains' C G Am 'But we're both here hangin' on the same old chains'

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