Todd Smith

Theres A Light

Todd Smith

chords Beginner beginner


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Theres A Light

Capo on 5th fret

  C      G                  D 
When the darkness fills my life 
C        G                D 
When my faith is running dry 
C        G                D       C      G      D 
When my heart is on the ground I listen to the sound 
C      G              D 
Of the beauty in the night 
C    G                D 
Of creation shining bright 
C            G              D         C    G   D 
The sun, the earth and the stars it’s who you are 

C G D There’s a light at the end of the troubles C G D There is hope for those who believe C G D There is peace that flows like a river C D G Jesus Christ has set us free
Verse C C D I was a doubting broken man C G D I put the hole in your hand C G D But I’m the one you have redeemed C G D You set me free
C G D There’s a light at the end of the troubles C G D There is hope for those who believe C G D There is peace that flows like a river C D G Jesus Christ has set us free C G D There’s a light at the end of the troubles C G D There is hope for those who believe C G D There is peace that flows like a river C D Jesus Christ has set us…
Verse G C G Free from the darkness, free from the shame C G C G Now that He found me I won’t be the same C G C G He is the life, the truth, and the way C G D Our God saves
C G D There’s a light at the end of the troubles C G D There is hope for those who believe C G D There is peace that flows like a river C D G Jesus Christ has set us free

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