Tyler Farr

Suffer In Peace

Tyler Farr

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Suffer In Peace

Written by Aaron G. Barker, Sr./Phil O'Donnell

Capo on 1st fret

                 C                                G 
Girl you know I love this town, lived here all my life 
                     Am                           F 
Right up ’til you left me, figured this would be where I’d die 
                          C                            G 
Now I’m thinkin’ ’bout a U-Haul, selling everything I can’t haul 
                   Am                                F 
Get a load of you off my chest move out west, maybe Utah 

               C                           G 
Find a little cabin in the hills, in the middle of Nowhereville 
         Am                        F 
Irish setter, my old guitar, .22 rifle, and a rod and reel 
Read that Bible Mama gave me 
Maybe stumble on some words to save me 
            Am              G                F                 
Think I’d really like the sound of a mountain breeze 
           G        F                          C 
And being somewhere, where I can suffer in peace 

               C                         G 
Saw you last Saturday and I just about lost my cool 
                  Am                                  F  
You were sittin’ in his car at the Tiger Mart by our old high school 
                C                           G 
Back to square one again, gettin’ over you over again 
                       Am                                             F 
Girl I need to be somewhere else, ’cause I don’t trust myself around you and him 

               C                          G 
I’m thinkin’ cabin in the hills, in the middle of Nowhereville 
           Am                           F 
An Irish setter, my old guitar, a .22 rifle, and a rod and reel 
Thumb through that Bible Mama gave me 
Maybe stumble on some words to save me 
                Am             G                F 
You know I’d really like the sound of a mountain breeze 
                G                             F 
And being somewhere, where I can suffer in peace 

   F          G 
No TV, no telephone 
 Am                        G  
Hang this heartache on a rainbow 

                   C                           G 
And find a little cabin in the hills, in the middle of Nowhereville 
           Am                         F 
My Irish setter, an old guitar, .22 rifle, and a rod and reel 
Thumb through that Bible Mama gave me 
Maybe stumble on some words to save me 
               Am              G                F 
You know I’d really like the sound of a mountain breeze 
     G     F                                C - G 
And being somewhere where I can suffer in peace 
                 Am - F 
I can suffer in peace 
             C - G  
Suffer in peace 

Am     F      C 

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