
Still Counting


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Still Counting

Written by Michael Poulsen/Volbeat

Counting all the assholes in the room 
                         F                 A# A 
Well I´m definitely not alone, well I´m not alone 
You´re a lier, you´re a cheater, you´re fool 
                         F                    A# A 
Well that´ just like me yoohoo and I know you too 

Mr. Perfect don´t exist my little friend 
                  F                 A# A 
And I tell you it again, and I do it again 
Counting all the assholes in the room, Well I´m 
               F                  A# A 
definitely not alone, well I´m not alone 

Look deep into yourself before you blame all others 
      F             A#  A 
for betrayal, for betrayal 
  Dm                                     F 
I promise, so easy to say, and easy you failed, 
              A# A 
and you do it again 

  Well the music seems do cover 
                          F  Dm   F A 
And all the liquid do the colours 
  Well I turn my back and 
                                F  Dm   F A 
go for all the better things in order 

Well maybe you think your lie is safe 
                      F                   A#  A 
But I read you like a letter, yeah like a letter 
Your charm do not evens the pain 
                  F                   A# A 
it feeds me with rage, and you do it again 

  Well the music seems do cover 
                          F  Dm   F A 
And all the liquid do the colours 
  Well I turn my back and 
                                F  Dm   F A 
go for all the better things in order 

  Well the music seems do cover 
                          F  Dm   A# A 
And all the liquid do the colours 
  Well I turn my back and 
                                F  Dm   F A 
go for all the better things in order 

  And a gangster keeps on telling 
                        F   Dm   F A 
That he got a song that matters 
  So I flip a coin towards him 
                        F         Dm F A 
Thank you very much for listening 

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