Walk The Moon

Can't Sleep Wolves

Walk The Moon

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Can't Sleep Wolves

Written by Eli Maiman, Kevin Ray, Nicholas Petricca, Noah Beresin, Sean Waugaman

Intro Riff 
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Bm D e |-----------5--2-|-----------5--2--------| B |-----3h5-3------|-----3h5-3-------------| G |-2h4------------|-2h4-------------4p2h4-| x2 D |----------------|-----------------------| A |----------------|-----------------------| E |----------------|-----------------------|
verse 1 G Bm Hold on to the ones you love, but don't squeeze too tight Em Bm Even a good thing can steal away like a thief in the night Pre-Chorus G Wake up tough On time Stand up straight Talk right Bm Don't let up Be funny Be cool Keep running Em I can't keep up With all these boys G Fast on their feet Gnashing teeth Bm They hit you up And I can't sleep, wolves are coming for me
A - B Em A If you're keeping secrets, secrets from me Em A I don't need to know baby A - B Em G Honey keep your secrets, don't matter to me Em But these wolves, they keep on scratching at my heart A And I still can't sleep...
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Bm D e |-----------5--2-|-----------5--2--------| B |-----3h5-3------|-----3h5-3-------------| G |-2h4------------|-2h4-------------4p2h4-| x2 D |----------------|-----------------------| A |----------------|-----------------------| E |----------------|-----------------------|
verse 2 G Bm Hold on to the ties that bind, but don't get shackled to emotion Em Bm You better leave yourself behind before they find you in the open Pre-Chorus G Wake up tough On time Stand up straight Talk right Bm Don't let up Be funny Be cool Make that money Em You can't keep up With all these girls G Armed to their teeth Talking sweet Bm They don't let up And I can't sleep, wolves are coming for me
A - B Em A If you're keeping secrets, secrets from me Em A I don't need to know baby A - B Em G Honey keep your secrets, don't matter to me Em But these wolves, they keep on scratching at my heart A D And I still can't sleep...
Solo G Bm Bm A Em Bm Bm Bridge G Wake up tough On time Stand up straight Talk right Bm Don't let up Be funny Be cool Keep running Em You can't keep up With all these boys G All these girls Gnashing teeth Bm They don't let up And I can't sleep, wolves are coming for me
A - B Em A Keeping secrets, secrets from me Em A I don't need to know baby A - B Em G Honey keep your secrets, don't matter to me Em But these wolves, they keep on scratching at my heart A And I still can't Em A Keeping secrets, secrets from me Em A I don't need to know baby A - B Em G Honey keep your secrets, don't matter to me Em But these wolves, they keep on scratching at my heart A And I still can't sleep...
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Outro Riff Bm D e |-----------5--2-|-----------5--2--------| B |-----3h5-3------|-----3h5-3-------------| G |-2h4------------|-2h4-------------4p2h4-| x2 D |----------------|-----------------------| A |----------------|-----------------------| E |----------------|-----------------------|

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