Walk The Moon

Tiger Teeth

Walk The Moon

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Tiger Teeth

Written by Walk the Moon

Capo on 3rd fret

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Intro and 1st verse E|-3-------3--------3-------3-------- A|----------------------------------- D|--0--0-0--0---0-0--0--0-0--0--0-0-- G|---00-0-----00-0----22-2----22-2--- B|----------------------------------- e|-----------------------------------
once for intro twice for verse If you come around, come around again You better not come in, better stay outside Cause I can't hold my ground, can't hold my ground I can't Not if you look me in, look me in my eyes Em7 Tiger in my heart again Cadd9 G D When you swallow someone whole, you are bound to choke Em7 Well, I guess we can never be friends Cadd9 D I ate you up the day we first spoke
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E|-3-------3-------- A|------------------ D|--0--0-0--0---0-0- G|---00-0-----00-0-- B|------------------ e|------------------
Em7 Don't you call me on the telephone G/F# Don't make plans with my friends Cadd9 I think that it's best for you to leave me alone D When I'm with you I just want to play pretend G If you take one step closer Cadd9 I can reach the zipper of your dress G We're leaning out over the water Cadd9 And we're holding our breath Em7 Tiger in my heart again Cadd9 G D When you swallow someone whole, you are bound to choke Em7 Well, I guess we can never be friends Cadd9 D I ate you up the day we first spoke G Give in, give in, I want you back Em7 One heart, one too many to stomach Cadd9 D Love bites so deep, and we got tiger teeth G Give in, give in, I want you back Em7 Keep count, one too many to stomach Cadd9 D Em7 Love bites so deep, and we got tiger teeth G Is this just a moment of madness G/F# Or have we really found the home Cadd9 Well I'm wild and I'm rabid D And I ate you up the day we first spoke G Give in, give in, I want you back Em7 One heart, one too many to stomach Cadd9 D Love bites so deep, and we got tiger teeth G Give in, give in, I want you back Em7 Keep count, one too many to stomach Cadd9 D Love bites so deep, and we got tiger teeth G Em7 Cadd9 D (2x) End on G

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