Wanda Jackson

Lets have a party (ver. 2)

Wanda Jackson


by  NELS68

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Lets have a party (ver. 2)

	  		INTRO F X4 
Some people like to rock,  
Some people like to roll,  
But movin' and a groovin'  
Ain't gonna satisfy my soul.  
Let's have a party  
Ooh, let's have a party.  
Send 'em to the store,  
Let's buy some more,  
 C                    F 
Let's have a party tonight.  
I've never kissed a bear,  
I've never kissed a goon,  
But I can shake a chicken  
In the middle of the room.  
Let's have a party  
Ooh, let's have a party.  
Send 'em to the store,  
Let's buy some more,  
Let's have a party tonight.  
I've never kissed a bear,  
I've never kissed a goon,  
But I can shake a chicken  
In the middle of the room.  
Let's have a party  
Ooh, let's have a party.  
Send 'em to the store,  
Let's buy some more,  
Let's have a party tonight. 
Now honkey-tonk Joe  
Is knockin' at the door  
Bring him and fill him up  
And set him on the floor.  
Let's have a party  
Ooh, let's have a party.  
Send 'em to the store,  
Let's buy some more,  
Let's have a party tonight.  
The meat is on the stove  
The bread is gettin' hot  
Everybody run  
Ya got some possum in the pot.  
Let's have a party  
Ooh, let's have a party.  
Send 'em to the store,  
Let's buy some more,  
Let's have a party tonight.  
Let's have a party tonight. Repeat x4 then end 


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