Waylon Jennings

Rock Salt And Nails

Waylon Jennings

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Rock Salt And Nails

Intro: F    C  F 

Verse 1:

F Dm By the banks of the river where the willows grow cold Bb F Wild birds warble the strange sounding song Bb F By the banks of the river where the waters run cold Bb F Was there I first listened to the lies that she told
Riff F C F

Verse 2:

F Dm He lays there each night all alone and he weeps Bb F Nothing ain't worse than a night without sleep Bb F The letters she wrote him they were written in vain Bb F But I know that her conscience still echoes my name
Riff F C F

Verse 3:

F Dm If the ladies were blackbirds and the ladies were thrushes Bb F I'd lay there for hours in the cold rainy marshes Bb F If the ladies were squirrels (yeah) with a big bushy tail Bb F I'd fill up my shotgun with-a rock salt and nails
Outro: Bb F We'd fill up our shotguns with-a rock salt and nails

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