Yosef Nunes

Tehilim 23

Yosef Nunes

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Tehilim 23

	  		Intro A  E  A  D 
        A  D 

     A      D 
Mizmor L'David 
 D         F#m    A 
Adonay roy lô ehhsar 
Bineot deshe yarbitzeny 
 F#m                  A 
Al mê menuhhot yenahaleny 

Nafshi yeshovev yanehheny 
F#m         A      F#m      A 
Bema'guelê tzedeq lemaan shemô 
 D             F#m      A 
Gam ki-elekh begê tzalmavet 
 D         F#m       A 
Lô ira rá ki atá imady 
Shivtekha umishantekha 
Hemah yenahhamuny 
F#m          E 
Taarokh lefanay 
    F#m               E 
Shulhhan negued tzoreray 
D                          A  
Dishanta bashemen roshi kossy revaiah 

 F#m         E 
Akh tov vahhessed 
 F#m                  E     
Yrdfuny  Kol-iyemê hhayay 
    D                        A 
Veshaveti beveit-Adonay leorekh yamym 

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