The Beatles

The Fool On The Hill

The Beatles

harmonics Beginner beginner

by  P!ATD

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The Fool On The Hill

Written by Lennon-McCartney

Key:  D
	  		+6  +6 +6  +6 +6 -6 +7 -7  -7  
Day after day alone on  a hill,  

-6  +7  -7   -8  -8  +8   +8   
the man with the foolish grin,  

+8 +8  -7  +7 -9  -9  -9  
is keeping perfectly still,  

 +7 -7 -9 -9  -9   +8  +10  -9 
but no-bod-y wants to know him,  

-7   +7   -7  +8  +8   +8 -7 +8  -7 
they can see that hes just a fool,  

 -7 -7 -9 +8  -9   +8 -9 +10  
and he never gives an answer.  

+8  -7  +8  +7 

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removeThe Beatles - The Fool On The Hill