
That Changes Everything


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That Changes Everything

Written by Anthony McCoy/Skidd Mills/Justin Rimer


Wish that we could start over 
Change everything that went wrong 
It's hard to stay sober 
When you feel like love is gone 
we both need forgiveness 
And we both need to forgive 
The past that hangs above our heads 
Will drive us to the end 

G                             Am 
All the things we should have done 
G                          Am        F 
All the times i tried to run from you 

C G If i fall from the ledge Am F don't Wanna die with regrets C see the ground comin G F I'm not gonna run anymore C G can make my amends F I swear i wont fail you again C was ready to die G F Till i saw you suffering F C And that changes everything
C The pieces come together C The images burned in my mind F Everything seems much clearer F But this place i cant recognize C Oblivious to the ending C The shame has covered my eyes F Haunted by my feelings F Imprisoned by my denial Pré-Refrão: G Am All the things we should have done G Am F All the times i tried to run from you
C G If i fall from the ledge Am F don't Wanna die with regrets C see the ground comin G F I'm not gonna run anymore C G can make my amends Am F I swear i wont fail you again C was ready to die G Till i saw you suffering F And that changes everything
Am Standing on top of the would F Looking down F Looking down Am F Searching for something that we haven't found F F G Am B Haven't found
C G If i fall from the ledge Am F don't Wanna die with regrets C see the ground comin G F I'm not gonna run anymore C G can make my amends Am F I swear i wont fail you again C was ready to die G Till i saw you suffering F And that changes everything

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