Adam Carroll

Ol' Milwaukee's Best

Adam Carroll

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Ol' Milwaukee's Best

Written by Adam Carroll

	  		Capo on 2

I lost my first wife to a woman
Lost my second to a man
Lost my third wife to my cousin
Lost my fifth wife to my aunt

I said you gotta train them girls 

like bulldogs, boys
If you want to keep them around
I got a case of Old Milwaukee
          G            C
She won't never let me down
C I like to drink em with my friends around F Suck em back till I hit the ground C They're here with me and G they'll be here till the end C Well the wife and the kids and the dogs are gone F And I can't get Jesus on the phone C G C But Old Milwaukee's Best is my best friend
They say Old Milwaukee aint the best way For the American boy to go I got a dually pickup truck I got ten miles of open road My windshield is marked with gravel And my rearview is streaked with tears I got the pages of Larry Flint To show me the honeys of the year REPEAT CHORUS Oil prices are dropping now And my third wife had enough of that She ran off to the holy land with Yassir Arafat He's got thirteen girls in a harem He's got carpets and bags and beads I got a 12-pack of Old Milwaukee and I got one more trick up my sleeve REPEAT CHORUS My daddy was a preacher in church full of old outlaws I've got about as much fear of Satan as I've got of Santa Claus And I've read the Revelations I'm not worried in the least I got three six-packs of Old Milwaukee And the number of the beast REPEAT CHORUS

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