Alejandro Preschel

Peace Of Mind

Alejandro Preschel

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Peace Of Mind


Intro: C       F      C 

Verse 1:

C F I'm an old engine runnin' on tears and baaad blood C Em F Fmaj7 Wind me up slowly ain't got no faith leeeft in me


C G/B Am G/B F Fmaj7 If I knew what was on the other side of what you say C G/B Am G/B F Fmaj7 If I knew what was on the other side of every day
G Maybe Iiii'd F Fmaj7 Iii'd find G Maybe I I'd F Iii'd find C G/B Am G/B F Peace of miii-iii-iii-i-i-ind C G/B Am G/B F Fmaj7 Peace of mi-i-iiii-iii-i-i-i-i-i-ind
Instrumental: C Fmaj7 F Verse C Fmaj7 Never had nothing 'cept all that's here now C G Em F Fmaj7 So roll me another let's smoke one before I leeeave town


C G/B Am G/B F Fmaj7 If I knew what was on the other side of this long road C G/B Am G/B Fmaj7 If I knew what was on the other side of this big chair
G Maybe Iii I'd F Fmaj7 Iii'd find G Maybe I I'd Fmaj7 Iii'd find C G/B Am G/B F Fmaj7 Peace of miii-iii-iii-i-i-ind C G/B Am G/B F Fmaj7 Peace of mi-i-iiii-iii-i-i-i-i-i-ind
Am Fmaj7 Break Am Oh Tennessee Fmaj7 Be good to me Am Help me find Fmaj7 F Oh won't you help me find Outro: C G/B Am G/B F Fmaj7 Peace of miii-iii-iii-i-i-ind C G/B Am G/B F Peace of mi-i-iiii-iii-i-i-i-i-ind

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