Alicia Keys

Wait Til You See My Smile

Alicia Keys

keyboards Intermediate intermediate


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Wait Til You See My Smile

	  		Intro: G (4 measures) D/E G/E D/E  
G/E C C 


  When the wind is blowing in your face 

G                                    G/F 
Sometimes in live, you don't see straight. 

 D/E  Em7 D/E     Em7       C    
C/G D/G 
(Pray to  Him, He will show.) 

          G                    D/G  C/G  D/G 
When your head is in a certain place 

  G                       D/F 
Nobody around to make you safe 

 D/E   Em7     D/E  Em7      D 
(Stand strong, and  you will grow.) 

C D/C G/C 

D Em D/F# G C Sing Oooooooooooooooooooh Wait 'til you see my smile Em D/F# G Csus2 Ooooooooooooooooooooh G Wait 'til they see your smile
Verse: G Don't they love to see you down G G/F Kick you while you're on the ground. D/E Em7 D/E Em7 C C/G D/G (Don't let e-mo-tions show.) G D/G C/G D/G People always make you late; G D/F Don't let it get in your way D/E Em7 D/E Em7 D (See they say things they don't know.) C D/C G/C
D Em D/F# G C Sing Oooooooooooooooooooh Wait 'til you see my smile Em D/F# G Csus2 Ooooooooooooooooooooh D/E Wait 'til they see your smile
Em7 D/E Em7 C

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