Angry Johnny And The Killbillies

New Boyfriend

Angry Johnny And The Killbillies

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New Boyfriend

          C                             G 
She got a new boyfriend Now I'm just an old boyfriend 
                  Am            G 
Someone she don't talk about Anymore 
          F                       Am 
She got a new boy now I'm just an old man now 
        G      F     Am Asus2 Am 
Gettin' ol-der all a-lone 
      C                       G 
And I walk around But I don't get nowhere 
        Am                                G 
I wanna leave this town But where would I go 
              F                          Am 
Yes I've been here before My heart can't take no more 
                  G        F                      Am Asus2 Am 
Lord I'm just too tired to pick myself up off the ground 
              C                            G 
The things we used to do now she does with someone new 
             Am                   G 
And where we used to go now I go alone 
          F                        Am 
She got a new boyfriend and I just can't pretend 
              G               F     Am 
that it's not killing me that I'm o-kay 
          C                            G 
She got a new boyfriend Now I'm just a lonely man 
                Am                           G 
And there ain't nothing left here to make me stay 
             F                      Am 
So I'll just say good bye I gave it my best try 
            G                F               Am Asus2 Am 
Got nothing left inside this broken heart of mine 
             F                      Am 
So I'll just say good bye I gave it my best try 
            G                F               Am 
Got nothing left inside this broken heart of mine 
            G                F               Am 
Got nothing left inside this broken heart of mine 
            G                F               Am 
Got nothing left inside this broken heart of mine 

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