Asaf Avidan

Small Change Girl

Asaf Avidan

keyboards Beginner beginner


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Small Change Girl

	  		Intro: |: Bm G :| 

Vers 1: 
Bm                 G               Bm 
  She can make the birds and bees 
         G                      Bm 
Get down on their little knees 
                G              Bm 
She can whisper to the breeze 
             G                       Bm 
And make her tear the bark off trees 
               G              Bm 
She can make a fog horn ring 
                 G                Bm 
She can make the mountains swing 
                  G              Bm 
She will make you clip your wing 
                  G          Bm  G   Bm G 
She will get your tears to siiiiiing 
 Bm  G    Bm G 

G Em Bm A She's just a small change girl (4x) Bm G But she's a world to me
Instrumental: |: Bm G :| Vers 2: Bm G Bm She can turn her flesh to steel G Bm But she can't get her scars to heal G Bm She can make you think she's real G Bm She can make a diamond peel G Bm She can get your bed to shrink G Bm She can get your ears to blink G Bm She can get your eyes to think G Bm G Bm G And she can get a horse to driiiiiink Bm G Bm G driiiiiink
G Em Bm A She's just a small change girl (4x)
End: |: G Em Bm A :| |: Bm G :|

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