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Verse 1:

Em Hold on tight Em You don't let go Em Bygone days bound to corrode Em Sentimental, poignant Em Shady recollections slowly fade away Bm Beckon to nothing Em All had begun just with a dream Em Watered down sometimes you failed to feel C Pushed around, you're losing ground Am The sands of time they taint the instant Em A stifled fire Bm You fade to nothing C G A Will you feel like you don't belong? Em D Or will you cease to feel at all?
F#m D A Throw yourself into the waves E Let 'em roll, carry you away Bm Into the sea to wash away all fragility D Bm F#m Throw yourself into the ocean E D Jaded, blunt, invisible
Invincible ( Gm F D# Dm ) ( C Gm A )
F#m D A Throw yourself into the waves E Let 'em roll, carry you away Bm Into the sea to wash away all fragility D Bm F#m Throw yourself into the ocean E D Jaded, blunt, invisible F#m Placid, numb and jaded F#m D A Throw yourself into the waves E Let 'em roll, carry you away Bm Into the sea to wash away all fragility D Bm F#m Throw yourself into the ocean E D Jaded, blunt, invisible

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