
Seven Shades


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Seven Shades

Written by Peter Doherty/Drew McConnell



E   C#m   E     A   (Repeat) 

The intro lead is something like this: 

verse 1: 
E           C#m        E       A 
  I was born as a free man 
  E               C#m          E       A 
  And now I   m tied to the mast 
E                 C#m           E 
  Like the strings of an old guitar 
       A      E         B 
  Bent out of tune too far 

(Same chord structure as above + lead below) 
Now as your temperature rises 
As I baulk on the flames 
As I come to devices 
I hear the words that you say 

The lead starts in the second part of the Verse: 
Repeat this (the picking varies a bit) 

E             C#m           G#m 
Give it up,   give it up,   give it up 
A     E         B 
Oh,   give  it  up 
E            C#m        G#m 
 Are you trying to say  this world's 
    A     E       B 
not beautiful enough? 

E                   F# 
  Outside line to a   collect call 
  Oh you say it's easy 
  You do it just to tease me I know 

verse 2: 
(Same chords as verse 1) 
Now I'm the ghost of a thousand 
Now I'm a million years 
I've been the slave to the old song 
That's ringing in your ear 

E                 F# 
  Direct line to     all you girls and boys 
  You say that love will free me 
  You say it just to see me give up 

E             C#m           G#m 
Give it up,   give it up,   give it up 
A     E         B 
Oh,   give  it  up 
E            C#m        G#m 
 Are you trying to say  this world's 
    A     E       B 
not beautiful enough? 

          A                     E 
What   s it like on the moral high ground? 
A                             E 
Judging by your face well I'm glad I never asked 
A                             B 
Step outside the bar and kick seven shades of shit out of you 

Repeat the intro lick with 
E   C#m   E     A 
E   C#m   E     A 
E   C#m   G#m   A   E   B 

A                B 
Outside line to,   to all you girls and boys 

E             C#m           G#m 
Give it up,   give it up,   give it up 
A     E         B 
Oh,   give  it  up 
E            C#m        G#m 
 Are you trying to say  this world's 
    A     E       B 
not beautiful enough? 

B (The bass walks down with these notes: B     A     G# - F#) 
   Seven shades of nothing 
   Seven shades of nothing to use 

Intro riff 1 Time 

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