
Play Pretend


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Play Pretend

Intro C 

C       G  Em    F 
Here we go back again 
F                      G 
We've been trying with no success 

But we've been trying 
C        G    Em    F 
Same old road back again 
But now we want to play pretend 
     G                                Am 
Like we're not hiding from what is to come 

 F   C 
Ooh ooh 
G               Am 
From what is to come 
 F   C  G 
Ooh ooh 

C      G   Em       F 
Now we own where we step 
F                     G 
Through our eyes it's all self made 

What we've imagined, and 
C       G         Em        F 
When it all comes crumbling down 
Now we know where to start 
Let's try again, let's play pretend 
     F                          G 
Like we're not hiding from what is 
G   Am 
To come 

 F   C 
Ooh ooh 
G               Am 
From what is to come 
 F   C 
Ooh ooh 
G               Am 
From what is to come 
 F   C 
Ooh ooh 
G               Am 
From what is to come 
 F   C   G 
Ooh ooh 

Am      F         C         G 
When it all comes crumbling down 
Am      F    C        G 
We will know where to start 
      Am   F           C       G 
Let's try again, let's play pretend 
     Am        F      C         G 
Like we're not hiding from what is to come 

Am  F   C 
   Ooh ooh 
G               Am 
From what is to come 
 F   C 
Ooh ooh 
G               Am 
From what is to come 
 F   C   G 
Ooh ooh 
Am  F   C   G 
   Ooh ooh 

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