Bill Monroe

Cripple Creek

Bill Monroe

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Cripple Creek

	  		Song:Cripple Creek 
Traditional Bluegrass (mixed lyrics) 

G                   C            G 
I got a gal at the head of the creek 
G                            D            G 
goin up to see her bout the middle of the week 
G                              C       G 
kiss her on the mouth just as sweet as wine 
G                               D          D 
wraps herself around me like a sweet potato vine 

G C G Goin' up Cripple Creek goin' in a run G D G Goin' up Cripple Creek to have some fun. G C G Goin' up cripple creek goin in a whirl G D G Goin' up Cripple Creek , see my girl
G C G I got a girl and she loves me G D G She's as sweet as sweet can be G C G She's got eyes of baby blue G D G Makes my gun shoot straight and true. CHORUS: X1 G C G Cripple Creek's wide and Cripple Creek's deep G D G I'll wade old Cripple Creek before I sleep G C G Roll my breeches to my knees G D G I'll wade ol' Cripple Creek when I please CHORUS: X1 G C G I went down to Cripple Creek G D G To see what them girls had to eat G C G I got drunk and fell against the wall G D G Old corn likker was the cause of it all CHORUS:X1 G C G girls up cripple creek bout half grown G D G jump on a man like a dog on a bone G C G Roll my breeches to my knees G D G I'll wade ol' Cripple Creek when I please CHORUS: X2

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