Billie Holiday

All Of Me

Billie Holiday

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All Of Me

Written by Gerald Marks, Seymour Simons

Introdução: C Cm G G/F# E7 C D G Bm Am7 D7  

C                           E7 
All of me, why not take all of me?  
A7                             B         Bm5-/7   E7    
Can't you see, I'm no good without you.  
 C                             B7     Em   B+  
Take my arms. I want to lose them;  
 A                 A7                    D9    D7  
Take my lips. I'll never use them.  
G                                      B7  
Your good bye left me with eyes that cry,  
Em              B+                     Bm5-/7  E7  
And I know   I'm no good without you.  
C                     Cm           G    G/F#     E7                                          
You took the part that once was my heart,  
         C                 D  D7      G   A7    Am7      G   
So why not take all of     me?  
G                                B7  
All of me, why not take all of me?  
Em                              B         Bm5-/7   E7    
Can't you see, I'm no good without you.  
 C                             B7     Em   B+  
Take my arms. I want to lose them;  
 A                 A7                    D9    D7  
Take my lips. I'll never use them.  
G                                      B7  
Your good bye left me with eyes that cry,  
Em              B+                     Bm5-/7  E7  
And I know   I'm no good without you.  
C                     Cm           G    G/F#     E7                                          
You took the part that once was my heart,  
         C                 D  D7   Bm5-/7 E7   
So why not take all of     me?  
         C                 D  D7   G   C7  G  
So why not take all of     me?  


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