Bon Iver


Bon Iver

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Key:  C More
Naeem Key GG
Naeem Key G#G#
Naeem Key AA
Naeem Key A#A#(one step down)
Naeem Key BB(half step down)
Naeem Key CC(original key)
Naeem Key C#C#(half step up)
Naeem Key DD(one step up)
Naeem Key D#D#
Naeem Key EE
Naeem Key FF
Naeem Key F#F#

C Dm 
C Bm 
Bm Am 
C/E  Dm/F 

Verse 1:

C Dm All along 'em I can hear me C Bm I go for the caste Bm Am I fall off a bass boat F And the concrete's very slow C/E Dm/F And the concrete's very slow C Dm All along the sideline's bigger C Bm I'm over the dash Bm Am I'm having a bad, bad toke F C/E Dm/F But the berries still to come All along them I can hear ya
C/E I can hear, I can hear C/G I can hear, I can hear crying (I can hear) I can hear cry (Crying) F I can hear, I can hear (Crying) Am I can hear, I can hear crying (I can hear, I can hear)

Verse 2:

C Dm All along me I can hear you C Bm I'd occupy that Bm Am F C/E Dm/F Can't sit back long while you're forming that C Dm Oh my mind our kids got bigger C Bm But I'm climbing down the bastion now Bm Am You take me out to pasture now F Well, I won't be angry long C/E Dm/F Well, I can't be angry long C Dm We burnt up in my bed C Bm Standing on the mattress, Laul Bm Am Laul, can't we just patch this up? F C/E Dm/F And I cannot seem to carry it all All along we I can hear me
C/E I can hear, I can hear C/G I can hear, I can hear crying (I can hear) I can hear cry (Crying) F I can hear, I can hear (Crying) Am D7 I can hear, I can hear crying I can hear crying C/E I can hear, I can hear C/G I can hear, I can hear crying I can hear cry F I can hear, I can hear Am Dm/F I can hear, I can hear crying

Verse 3:

C Dm All around me I can hear 'em C Bm So what is gonna happen now? Bm Am If you don't look away F C/E Dm/F What's there to pontificate on now? There's someone in my head C Dm Tell them I'll be passing on C Bm Bm Am Tell them we're young mastodons F And it can't be that it's all C/E Dm/F And it can't be that it's all C Dm I'm telling you that I do feel ya C Bm It's suddenly paths, mama Bm Am It ain't about class, mama F And it won't be very long C/E Dm/F Oh, it won't be very long


C Dm Hey, hey C Bm Hey, hey Bm Am F C/E Dm/F C
Outro C Dm C Bm Bm Am F C/E Dm/F

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