
Til The Sun Goes Down


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Til The Sun Goes Down


Intro:  F#m     E       D 

F#m                          Bm        F#m 
Some days it hits you like a tons of water 
         Bm          F#m 
All the sons and daughters 
          E      D 
It's a crying shame 
F#m                              Bm   F#m 
Count your blessings as you're going under 
        Bm       F#m 
How it make you wonder 
         E       D       D A 
Will it ever change 

Fix a broken coffee cup 
      D                           E 
The never ending washing out won't wait 

D A Why do we cry when we hear hallelujah E It does something to you D Each and every lines D A So we all rise till we all stand together E Each and every one D Somewhere we belong F#m E D Till the sun goes down
F#m Bm F#m Everybody needs someone to hold Bm F#m E D And cause nobody told them it would be this way A D A If for a moment we could taste the glory D A And forget our worries E D Let the evening fade
D A Why do we cry when we hear hallelujah E It does something to you D Each and every lines D A So we all rise till we all stand together E Each and every one D Somewhere we belong F#m E Bm Till the sun goes down
Bm Bruised by every consequences D E So we're all sitting on the fence these days Bm Fix a broken coffee cup D E The never ending washing out won't wait Chorus D A Why do we cry when we hear hallelujah E It does something to you D Each and every lines D A So we all rise till we all stand together E Each and every one D Somewhere we belong F#m E D Till the sun goes down

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