Brave Saint Saturn


Brave Saint Saturn


by  JOS_H2O

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there isn't a video lesson for this song



	  		This is how I play it, and it sounds right to everybody I've played it for so far. 
In the intro hold the D chord shape, pick the fourth then third strings, then pick the second and first together. 
Switch to an A chord and repeat. 
When Reese starts singing, it switches to fourth, fifth, third. 
 D                     A 
"He made my faith seem worthless..." 

In the Chorus, it goes like this: 
     D                  A                  C 
"The Angel's wings will cover you tonight. Hallelujah..." 

 A                                     D        
"Press your head against the breast of Christ. Hallelujah.." 

In the post-Chorus, it's the first two chords palm-muted again. 

And it repeats like that through the whole song. 

The fading out chord is the same shape as the D, but put your pinky finger on the first string at the third fret. 

This is my first time putting chords or tabs up anywhere, so this is probably full of errors. 
If so, I apologize. 

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