Charles Wesley

And Are We Yet Alive

Charles Wesley

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And Are We Yet Alive

F      C  C7 F   F7  Bb      F       C           C7  F        C  C7  F   Bb   F   Bb F  C  F 
And are we yet alive,and see eachother's face? Glory and thanks to Jesus give for His almighty grace! 

 F        C     C7 F  F7  Bb     F       C          C7  F      C     C7  F    Bb  F  Bb   F     C7 F 
Preserved by power divine to full salvation here, again in Jesus' praise we join, and in His sight appear. 

      F        C   C7  F    F7    Bb     F         C                C7 F         C     C7 F   Bb    F 
What troubles have we seen, what mighty conflicts past, flightings without, and fears within, since we 
Bb F  C7   F 
assembled last! 

     F      C   C7  F    F7   Bb        F       C              C7  F        C   C7  F   Bb  F     Bb  F 
Yet out of all the Lord hath brought us by His love; and still He doth His help afford, and hides our life 
C7 F 

      F      C   C7   F    F7 Bb      F       C                C7 F      C  C7  F   Bb   F  Bb  F   C7 F 
Then let us make our boast of His redeeming power, which saves us to the uttermost, till we can sin no more. 

    F       C  C7  F     F7   Bb      F        C           C7  F     C   C7      F   Bb F  F   F  C7  F 
Let us take up the cross till we the crown obtain, and gladly reckon all things loss so we may Jesus gain. 

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