Chris Stapleton


Chris Stapleton

keyboards Beginner beginner


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Key:  A More
Amanda Key EE
Amanda Key FF
Amanda Key F#F#
Amanda Key GG(one step down)
Amanda Key G#G#(half step down)
Amanda Key AA(original key)
Amanda Key A#A#(half step up)
Amanda Key BB(one step up)
Amanda Key CC
Amanda Key C#C#
Amanda Key DD
Amanda Key D#D#

     A                   D          A 
I’ve held it all inward, God knows, I’ve tried, 
     A                      E          A 
But it’s an awful awakening in a country boy’s life, 
     A               D          A 
To look in the mirror in total surprise. 
     A                           E         A 
At the hair on my shoulders and the age in my eyes. 

A D A Amanda, light of my life. A E A Fate should have made you a gentleman’s wife. A D A Amanda, light of my life. A E A Fate should have made you a gentleman’s wife.
Verse A D A It’s a measure of people who don’t understand, A E A The pleasures of life in a hillbilly band. A D A I got my first guitar when I was fourteen, A E A Well I finally made forty, still wearing jeans.
A D A Amanda, light of my life. A E A Fate should have made you a gentleman’s wife. A D A Amanda, light of my life. A E A Fate should have made you a gentleman’s wife.

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